
COURSE – Course on semifreddo products

corso semifreddi

“Semifreddo” means a delicate product, soft, fluffy and aerated that tastes good and is easy to digest.

“Semifreddo” means a delicate product, soft, fluffy and aerated that tastes good and is easy to digest.
“Semifreddo” also means a delicate product, soft, fluffy and aerated that tastes good and is easy to digest and that the consumer can identify from among so many other products of a similar type.
During the three-day course, the focus will be on the semifreddo in all its aspects, flavours and shapes including slices, cakes and single portions.
These subjects will be of vital interest to all those who love products of excellence and who are engaged in the food field such as gelato makers, pastry cooks and cooks in general.
At the same time, and in addition to the preparation of these concoctions, a cost analysis of the materials will be carried out together with the calculation of calories so that the necessary assessment can be made of the sales system and prices to be set.

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